The Vue Cup is the replacement for the K-Cup.  Where the K-Cup is made of non-recyclable plastic, the Vue cup is made of #5 recyclable plastic.  So now, instead of just throwing away the fully assembled cup, you can recycle it…well you can recycle the cup and compost the coffee.  The paper filter is probably recyclable depending upon your area.  The lid is made of foil, which would be recyclable if it were clean…but…there is a mini filter glued to it.  It is our hope that Green Mountain Coffee Roasters is developing more sustainable packaging.  In the meantime here is how to disassemble, recycle, compost and throw away the rest.











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SD August 4, 2013 at 10:18 am

We have to save our VUE cups until we have a trip into the city (hour+ drive) to recycle them. It’s the only place on this side of the state that takes #5 plastics.
I have found the majority of people are uninterested/uninformed, or just to lazy to be bothered.
Why shouldn’t it fall on the hands of the company to step up to the plate, and be a responsible steward of our planet, instead of exclusive focus on profit?


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