Sick House Sick You – An Update

by Amy on September 11, 2018

Last June we reported about our neighbor who had what can only be called: Sloppy Post Construction Clean Sickness.  To solve that we cleaned, changed filters, and got some fresh air flowing – he got better almost immediately.  Since that time I have been on a bit of a crusade, somewhat successful, to get folk to subject their HVAC equipment to regular maintenance and TO CHANGE THEIR FILTERS!

Last week, when changing out incandescent lightbulbs for LEDs in an apartment, I happened to open a door to find an HVAC unit that looked rather ignored.  I thought, ‘Lets check the filter’ and so, after struggling a bit with the unit, I pulled out this…filter…which I have decided should be the poster monster of all dirty filters.  It even seems to have a face!

Note that where there appear to be eyes is actually where the air pressure from the unit pushed through the dirt and the filter to create holes so that it could continue to deliver air to the apartment.

We replaced it with a shiny new MERV 11 filter and plan to change it in 6 weeks and then again in 6 weeks and then every 6 months with monthly checks in between.  We also set up an appointment to have the HVAC maintenance contractor come visit the unit and give it a thorough cleaning.

Don’t let a filter monster live in your HVAC unit – change it regularly and don’t skimp on the maintenance.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Arline a Lloyd September 12, 2018 at 11:26 am

great info!!


John Grills September 12, 2018 at 11:33 am

Ours is MERV 13, so you now have a MERV Gap 😉

That’s the sickliest filter I have ever seen. Yikes!


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